Monday, April 23, 2012

The Joys of Aging

Wisdom, children/grandchildren, technology, recreation, travel, less stress and better communication.

These are some of The Joys of Aging.  From the Jamaica Observer.

Check out the full article here:

Have an awesome day,

Angela Gentile

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Get Real - The New Old Age

Read about the "dangers" of focusing on the belief that we have control over our destiny when it comes to how we age.  Getting real about living a healthy, active life and understanding that there are certain aspects that are out of our control is the most healthy way to approach getting older.

Have a great day!

Angela Gentile

Monday, April 2, 2012

How Aging Can Affect Your Sex Life

It's no secret that getting older can affect your sex life.  "How Ageing Affects Your Sex Life" is an article I found on the Times of India website.  There are a number of key points to consider when people are having difficulties in the "relations" area of their lives.  It includes information on menopause, medications, premature ejaculation, emotions and testosterone.  It is written with the expert input of Dr. Pulkit Sharma, Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalytical Therapist at the VIMHANS Hospital in Delhi.

Check out the complete article, here:

Have a great day,
Angela Gentile

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lines of Beauty

Louise Cady-Fernandes, of Lines of Beauty 
Online, you can find numerous websites, blogs and articles written about getting older. That's the beauty of the world wide web.  We can share our opinions, insights and ideas with other like-minded individuals. There are many talented, optimistic hopefuls that encourage others to embrace our age, rather than dread it.  Every so often I come across a blog or website that uplifts, encourages and inspires.

Check out this blog, Lines of Beauty by Louise Cady-Fernandes.  She has a lot of great articles, pictures and tips on aging gracefully, one beautiful wrinkle at a time.

Thanks Louise, keep up the great work.

Angela Gentile